The Machine Shipset mod is missing three entity definitions for it to properly apply its textures to permanently ruined ringworld sections. It already has the correct graphics meshes, however the entity associations for the game to find them are missing. This mod adds the three missing entities so that permanently ruined ringworld sections will can match the machine_01 graphical culture - which includes sections destroyed by The Interloper with Origin: Shattered Ring. In line with this mod's other prerequisite Ringworld Graphical Enhancements, habitable Machine ringworld sections feature clouds and use the Gaia planet textures (instead of continental).

This mod also features enhancements to the Machine Shipset habitats. The tier 1 and 2 habitats have both been adjusted - T1 is color-matched to your empire flag, and T2 keeps its interior terrain after being upgraded. The T3 habitats, which are mini-ringworlds, display their terrain and feature clouds.

Note: as of Stellaris version 3.7 "Canis Minor" changes to shaders mean that Machine ringworlds and T3 habitats no longer have animated clouds.

This mod contains has four, very short new graphics entities. It also replaces fire entries from the Machine Shipset to adjust the graphics definitions to apply the above effects. All of these changes will only apply to empires with a graphical culture (shipset) of machine_01.

Should work with practically everything that also works with Machine Shipset.

Built for Stellaris version 3.7 "Canis Minor" and backwards-compatible with versions 3.6 "Orion," 3.5 "Fornax," 3.4 "Cepheus," 3.3 "Libra," 3.2 "Herbert," 3.1 "Lem," and 3.0 "Dick." Not compatible with achievements, but neither are the dependencies.

Required Dependency Mods

Recommended Companion Mods

Known Issues
In order to adjust the graphics for the Machine Shipset habitats, it was necessary to overwrite their entity definitions (text files which tell the game how to attach models and textures, and how to shade them). Overriding a graphics entity causes an error log - expect five entries similar to these:

[04:32:01][graphics/pdx_entity.cpp:2546]: Duplicate of machine_01_habitat_core_entity added to entity system
[04:32:01][graphics/pdx_entity.cpp:2546]: Duplicate of machine_01_habitat_phase_01_entity added to entity system
[04:32:01][graphics/pdx_entity.cpp:2546]: Duplicate of machine_01_habitat_phase_02_entity added to entity system
[04:32:01][graphics/pdx_entity.cpp:2546]: Duplicate of machine_01_habitat_phase_03_entity added to entity system
[04:32:01][graphics/pdx_entity.cpp:2546]: Duplicate of machine_01_habitat_phase_03_section_entity added to entity system

See Change Notes

Source Code
Hosted on GitHub

TitleMachine Shipset Add-on: Shattered Ring and Habitat Appearance
Steam ID2628980994
Steam App281990 (steamDB)
Steam Manifest/UGC2307515652672083808
Creator SteamID76561198040838605
Steam Created2021-10-16T01:15:53+00:00
Steam Updated2023-04-22T03:02:43+00:00
Steam Updated relative443.4 days ago
Revision #34
Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2023-07-03 22:06:32)
Revision file date2023-04-22 03:02:42
Tracked Steam files18
Tracked mod files0
Mod size2.24 MB

Tracked mod revisions

Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
Machine Shipset Add-on: Shattered Ring and Habitat Appearance 34 Yes (fetch: 2023-07-03 22:06:32) 2.24 MB 2023-07-02 20:24:11 2024-02-12 15:05:01
Machine Shipset Add-on: Shattered Ring and Habitat Appearance 33 Yes (fetch: 2023-01-31 15:14:25) 2.24 MB 2023-01-31 15:13:28 2023-02-07 19:05:01
Machine Shipset Add-on: Shattered Ring and Habitat Appearance 32 Yes (fetch: 2022-12-13 01:14:15) 2.24 MB 2022-12-13 01:12:36 2023-01-31 19:05:02
Machine Shipset Add-on: Shattered Ring and Habitat Appearance 30 Yes (fetch: 2022-12-12 23:13:19) 2.24 MB 2022-12-12 23:11:33 2022-12-13 06:05:02
Machine Shipset Add-on: Shattered Ring and Habitat Appearance 29 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-14 23:22:15) 2.24 MB 2022-05-14 23:13:01 2022-12-13 04:05:02
Machine Shipset Add-on: Shattered Ring and Habitat Appearance 28 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-15 09:35:30) 2.24 MB 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2022-05-15 04:05:02

Mod File inventory

Path Extension File Count File Size