
For version 3.7.
No DLCs required, although compatible (and some modified, but not necessary for the mod to function)
UI Overhaul Dynamic is required, or else districts may not show up on the planet UI.


The mod has undergone a bit of a restructuring. As such, it is a more important time than ever to report any suspected bugs you may encounter.

And this is very important!

You have to download the mod dependency for full functionality.

Most recent update

Integrated and overhauled Exotic Deposits and Resources.

Le Content


  • Disable anything you don't like (besides civics and origins)
  • Lots of new Buildings, Districts, Jobs and Deposits
  • No more fancy deposit generation like in DO2 (or the Testbrach). Instead, deposits spawn just like in vanilla
  • New District types: Primary Districts, which give resources like motes, gases or minor artifacts if you have the right deposit
  • New District types: Secondary Districts. You can choose which district you want. These give unique jobs and powerful modifiers to your planets. Once you've chosen your desired district you can build three of it
  • Secondary Districts are unlocked through an Ascension Perk and vanilla research
  • Ways to turn your excess food into something more useful
  • Special garden worlds that give huge bonuses
  • Special resources that can be harvested and used in special buildings

New Districts

See the relevant discussion.

New Buildings

See the relevant discussion.

New Civics

  • Agricultural Cooperatives - Unlocks Communal Garden Worlds
  • Biological Industries - Unlocks Industrial Garden Worlds
  • Church of the Tree Unlocks Pale Garden Worlds and Tree Temple Building
  • Biotechnologies Conglomerate
  • Gaia Theory

These civics will be updated as I'm not satisfied with them rn.

New Resources and the associated buildings

See the relevant discussion

New Mechanics

See the relevant discussion.

Other stuff

  • An Ascension Perk to create Underground City Districts on any natural planets
  • An Ascension Perk to be able to build External Hab Stations
  • A housing policy, which buffs either city or rural districts but nerfs the other

Compat, credits, etc.

Mods with in-built compatibility:

For these you need to activate their respective edicts (Improved Districts and High Density Arcologies)

If you use the Irony Mod Manager and its custom patch, you will need to go into the conflict solver and let this mod overwrite all others

Any other mods that modifies districts, deposits or colony designations will conflict.
Mods that not modify any of those don't need compatibility patches.

Supported Languages

  • English
  • French - found here - credits to FrazierFR (this was made for DO3, so expect some missing loc)

If you do the localisation for other languages you can either upload it yourself or let me incorporate it into this mod.


To do/Plans

  • Options to disable features you don't like done
  • Spice up the civics
  • Planetary Heat mechanic (some buildings produce heat etc, if too hot or too cold -> habitability drops)
  • Planetary Waste mechanic (although 'Ecology' already exist, so maybe not)
  • Water as a resource
  • Doing something unique with the extra designations/colony types I'm working on and reworking existing ones this will be a standalone mod
  • More districts and a lot more buildings
  • Updating 'The Belt' done
  • Updating and integrating my archive cult civic on another thought, this will be better for the other mod I'm planning
  • common/colony_automation and ai_budget
  • Compatibilities: Planetary Diversity done
  • Compatibilities: Guilli's Modifiers (you can play it, it's just that the modifiers give vanilla districts instead of the modded ones)

If you have any ideas for future content, please share them here.
If you encounter any bugs report them here.
TitleBuildings and Districts Overhaul and Expansion
Steam ID2945869347
Steam App281990 (steamDB)
Steam Manifest/UGC3188875424980930400
Creator SteamID76561199161354306
Steam Created2023-03-12T09:56:37+00:00
Steam Updated2023-05-06T18:41:41+00:00
Steam Updated relative428.7 days ago
Revision #85
Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2023-07-03 23:08:55)
Revision file date2023-05-06 18:41:40
Tracked Steam files15
Tracked mod files0
Mod size9.12 MB

Tracked mod revisions

Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
Buildings and Districts Overhaul and Expansion 85 Yes (fetch: 2023-07-03 23:08:55) 9.12 MB 2023-07-02 20:24:17 2024-02-12 15:05:01

Mod File inventory

Path Extension File Count File Size