Compatibility Patch for Starnet AI, Planetary Diversity, and Guilli's Planet Modifiers

This mod tells Starnet AI about what planet modifiers (and deposits) from Planetary Diversity and Guilii's Planet Modifiers boost what resources, so it can make smart decisions about what to build on what planets and how to choose planetary focuses.

Note for 3.0 compatibility
Currently not tested with 3.0. However there is unlikely to be much of a break. For the 2.8 planet modifiers that still exist in 3.0, this mod will still inform the AI about. However, any new modifiers the AI will be unaware of, and any changed modifiers in 3.0 the AI may assume their old bonuses.

In short, the worst that can happen is that the AI will work off of outdated information of planet modifier bonuses.

A proper 3.0 update is planned; stay tuned.


Should be backwards compatible with 2.7, despite it being marked compatible with 2.8. Ignore the warning.

It should be noted that this logic is not absolute, it is just one consideration of many. For example, just because Starnet knows a planet has really good food bonuses, that doesn't always mean it will focus on food production on that planet. If the AI has plenty of food but is short on alloys, it may choose to ignore that bonus and make it an alloy planet anyways.

Only Starnet AI is required, you can have one or both of Planetary Diversity or Guilli's Planet Modifiers

Some basic support for More Events Mod and Expanded Events is included, but I have not gone over all the modifiers in them yet.

This is fully compatible with my other patch for Starnet AI and Planetary Diversity compatibility as they solve different issues. This mod only tells Starnet AI about the new modifiers. The other mod solves conflicts in the colony designation definitions.

If you use Glavius AI, consider the Glavius AI version of this patch.
Title!(Patch): Starnet AI - Planetary Diversity - Guilli's Planet Modifiers Patch (3.0 CAPABLE, BUT SUBOPTIMIAL)
Steam ID1906588068
Steam App281990 (steamDB)
Steam Manifest/UGC6915635605237639949
Creator SteamID76561198017276094
Steam Created2019-11-05T01:21:20+00:00
Steam Updated2020-12-30T21:43:08+00:00
Steam Updated relative1285.6 days ago
Revision #22
Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2022-04-13 21:58:26)
Revision file date2020-12-30 21:43:08
Tracked Steam files1
Tracked mod files4
Mod size21.88 KB

Tracked mod revisions

Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
!(Patch): Starnet AI - Planetary Diversity - Guilli's Planet Modifiers Patch (3.0 CAPABLE, BUT SUBOPTIMIAL) 22 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-13 21:58:26) 21.88 KB 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2024-02-12 15:05:01

Mod File inventory

Path Extension File Count File Size
common/scripted_triggers txt 1 19.99 KB