
Stellaris: 3.10.*

This is not a stand-alone mod; it will not work without Planetary Diversity.

This sub-mod adds up to 0 more planets to a game, and none of these planets spawn naturally

This mod adds 7 exotic planet types to your game; they are meant to play differently than the regular oxygen-nitrogen races, with different ways of terraforming/creating new colonies. They fall into two groups; toxic oxygen-nitrogen planets and exotic atmosphere planets. Each has its origin and character, and the origin is the only way to choose the planet at the game's start. You need to get the advanced trait tech from the second gene modding AP to gene moderate these habitability traits. These worlds cannot be terraformed to and from regular worlds aside from some abilities granted by the origins (ie Methane freezing and Ash Drills)

Toxic Oxygen-Nitrogen Planets
These planets have limited to no habitability on all other regular planets. Regular races can colonize here but have no habitability bonuses.

Radiotrophic World + Radiotrophic Mutant Origin
Bonuses - Physics, Society, Food Unique SR: Rad Bloom Spores
This is a tomb/nuked planet where the lifeforms have mutated to use the high levels of gamma radiation to thrive. The blooms of these unique plants can be harvested and used to turn any planet into a Radiotrophic World via terraforming, but only if you start on this world/have radiotrophic habitability. Races with the Radiotrophic Mutant trait also gain strength and grow speed while on Radiotrophic and Tomb worlds.

Acid Worlds + Acid Seeders Origin
Bonuses - Food, Minerals, Exotic Gasses
This is a world of acid rain and sea, and the life that can survive here thrives and the acid wreaks havoc on robotic races until you have a tech to counteract the acid. Empires on this world will need to pump acid into the atmosphere of other worlds to make it truly livable for them, and like Idyllic Bloom, eventually will be able to turn the planet into an Acid world.

Rogue Worlds + Rogue Voidfarers Origin
Bonuses - Science & Energy
Start in a black hole cluster with several rogue worlds and find other rogue worlds around Black Holes, Pulsars and Neutron stars. They also get two special decisions: using dark matter they can turn stars into black holes, but it's not stable enough to be a weapon, also it's cost is different for stars, bigger unstable stars are easier than small stars. The second is a decision to improve habitats around black holes.

Exotic Atmospheres Planets
These planets are unique unto themselves; either too hot, too cold, too toxic or too pressurized for these species to live on other worlds, and regular races cannot live on their planets. Habitable versions of these worlds do not spawn randomly in the galaxy, just your home world and if you have guaranteed neighbors. Each has a special bonus and building.

Ammonia World - Ammonia Rebreathers Origin
Bonuses - Food, Energy
The Origin is focused around the concept of developing a system of environment-suits for your people to be able to live on any world, like the Gand from Star Wars or the Volus from Mass Effect, in which several levels give you more habitability as you progress.
Rocky world with a nitrogen-ammonia atmosphere. This planet's variable gas is ammonia. With much higher atmospheric pressure than most terrestrial planets, the ammonia hydrosphere is stable.

Methane World - Methane Cryogenics Origin
Bonuses - Food, Physics
The Origin is focused on your empire having access to special cryogenics technology, and a Special AP, along with the Colossus AP, which allows you to create a Cryogenic Freeze Ray planet cracker and turn some frozen worlds into Methane Worlds.
Rocky world with a nitrogen-methane atmosphere and this planet's variable gas is methane. With temperatures around -180 degrees Celsius, the methane hydrosphere is stable.

Sulfur World - Sulfur Springs Origin
Bonuses - Minerals, Society
The Origin is focused on your empire-building up your energy and amenities around the rich and vast sulfur spring network found on Sulfur Worlds. Energy districts are unlimited on Sulfur worlds and have a special job that gives Energy, Amenities if you are organic and trade if you are not a hive mind. You also gain the ability to build a special sulfur onsen on all non-sulfur worlds you control, including artificial worlds/habitats.
This planet's variable gas is a mix of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide. High amounts of widely spread out volcanic activity cause the surface to be covered in thousands of sulfur hot springs.

Ash World - Ash Tectonic Drillers Origin
Bonuses - Energy, Minerals
The Origin is focused on your empire unlocking the toxic and violent magma of the planet and destroying the current echo system and creating one that fits your people. You gain megastructure option that you can use on any uninhabited or a decision on inhabited worlds that will create a Tectonic Fissure deposit which will give your empire the ability to land, and then build more advanced drills, eventually turning it into an Ash World.
Rocky world with a nitrogen-carbon dioxide-sulfur dioxide atmosphere. Although this young world has cooled from its molten past it still has considerable seismic and volcanic activity. The atmosphere on this planet is toxic to most creatures.

Hycean World - Hycean Deep Dwellers Origin
Bonuses - Energy, Food
The Origin is an exotic aquatics start, and you can take hydrocentric. Hycean worlds are big (size 30-50) and can be upgraded by ice mining without limit, but are very rare. Hycean races gain special habitats that give them fewer districts but more building slots but build them automatically. They can also terraform Gas Dwarf planets into hycean worlds, the only planet they can. They can also only make arcologies on Hycean worlds. You cannot take the Aquatic trait, but many features are baked into the hycean trait.

*Do not report mod incompatibilities.

I'm no longer allowing comments on this workshop item due to the numerous rude messages and people not reading the mod description.

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TitlePlanetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds
Steam ID1732437279
Steam App281990 (steamDB)
Steam Manifest/UGC2941258964888565521
Creator SteamID76561198070470089
Steam Created2019-05-04T23:02:55+00:00
Steam Updated2023-11-16T18:14:36+00:00
Steam Updated relative229.5 days ago
Revision #124
Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2023-12-08 21:03:12)
Revision file date2023-11-16 18:14:33
Tracked Steam files6
Tracked mod files0
Mod size103.27 MB

Tracked mod revisions

Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 124 Yes (fetch: 2023-12-08 21:03:12) 103.27 MB 2023-12-08 20:17:09 2024-02-12 15:05:01
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 120 Yes (fetch: 2023-12-07 20:34:04) 103.27 MB 2023-12-06 09:51:43 2023-12-08 22:05:01
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 119 Yes (fetch: 2023-09-29 09:11:51) 103.26 MB 2023-09-28 18:34:41 2023-11-16 18:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 118 Yes (fetch: 2023-07-19 12:24:08) 103.26 MB 2023-07-19 12:16:17 2023-09-11 18:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 116 Yes (fetch: 2023-07-02 22:26:55) 103.26 MB 2023-07-02 20:23:10 2023-07-19 16:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 110 Yes (fetch: 2023-02-02 21:18:13) 103.26 MB 2023-02-02 21:13:47 2023-02-07 19:05:01
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 109 Yes (fetch: 2022-12-27 15:17:59) 103.25 MB 2022-12-27 15:12:55 2023-02-03 01:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 108 Yes (fetch: 2022-12-03 05:31:47) 103.26 MB 2022-12-03 03:11:52 2022-12-27 19:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 105 Yes (fetch: 2022-11-02 01:15:30) 103.11 MB 2022-11-02 01:11:31 2022-11-28 13:05:03
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 104 Yes (fetch: 2022-10-08 08:15:12) 102.73 MB 2022-10-08 05:13:07 2022-11-02 06:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 93 Yes (fetch: 2022-09-20 15:18:14) 102.71 MB 2022-09-20 15:12:07 2022-09-20 22:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 92 Yes (fetch: 2022-09-20 11:16:09) 102.71 MB 2022-09-20 11:11:08 2022-09-20 20:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 91 Yes (fetch: 2022-09-20 10:22:57) 67.23 MB 2022-09-20 10:11:56 2022-09-20 16:05:01
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 90 Yes (fetch: 2022-09-06 19:15:26) 67.23 MB 2022-09-06 19:11:10 2022-09-20 15:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 89 Yes (fetch: 2022-09-04 21:15:40) 67.23 MB 2022-09-04 21:12:09 2022-09-07 00:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 88 Yes (fetch: 2022-09-03 16:12:56) 67.25 MB 2022-09-03 16:11:04 2022-09-05 02:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 87 Yes (fetch: 2022-09-01 20:15:45) 67.2 MB 2022-09-01 20:12:00 2022-09-03 21:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 86 Yes (fetch: 2022-09-01 16:13:12) 67.2 MB 2022-09-01 16:11:19 2022-09-02 01:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 83 Yes (fetch: 2022-07-28 10:15:35) 27.39 MB 2022-07-28 10:12:30 2022-09-01 21:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 81 Yes (fetch: 2022-07-28 01:21:07) 27.39 MB 2022-07-28 01:12:13 2022-07-28 15:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 79 Yes (fetch: 2022-07-12 00:13:03) 27.18 MB 2022-07-12 00:11:15 2022-07-28 06:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 78 Yes (fetch: 2022-07-06 00:19:25) 27.18 MB 2022-07-06 00:13:14 2022-07-12 05:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 77 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-26 22:14:45) 27.16 MB 2022-05-26 22:12:22 2022-07-06 05:05:03
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 76 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-12 13:54:25) 27.14 MB 2022-05-12 13:12:09 2022-05-27 03:05:03
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 75 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-08 01:15:08) 27.06 MB 2022-05-08 01:11:31 2022-05-12 17:05:03
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 74 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-07 11:16:09) 27.06 MB 2022-05-07 11:13:56 2022-05-08 06:05:02
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 73 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-06 21:20:06) 27.06 MB 2022-05-06 21:14:16 2022-05-07 16:05:03
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 72 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-05 23:15:23) 27.06 MB 2022-05-05 23:13:22 2022-05-07 02:05:03
Planetary Diversity - Exotic Worlds 66 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-17 12:52:58) 25.09 MB 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2022-05-06 04:05:03

Mod File inventory

Path Extension File Count File Size