Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond the Gates

I was pretty sure I fixed the description, but it seems to have revert.

Oh well, heres the short summary

1. Adds Outer Gates and Gatekeepers as semi-leviathans.

2. Research Outer Gates to learn interesting lores and cool techs from ACOT.

3. Complete the event chain to start a crisis.

4. Die.
TitleAncient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates
Steam ID1481972266
Steam App281990 (steamDB)
Steam Manifest/UGC1639950902996349982
Creator SteamID76561198000535620
Steam Created2018-08-16T21:27:16+00:00
Steam Updated2023-06-13T08:41:59+00:00
Steam Updated relative388.1 days ago
Revision #119
Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2023-07-03 17:24:09)
Revision file date2023-06-13 08:41:57
Tracked Steam files4
Tracked mod files0
Mod size722.07 MB

Tracked mod revisions

Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 124 Yes (fetch: 2024-02-07 04:16:25) 722.07 MB 2024-02-07 04:14:36 2024-02-12 15:05:01
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 123 Yes (fetch: 2023-12-31 08:34:37) 722.07 MB 2023-12-30 13:17:48 2024-02-07 10:05:02
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 122 Yes (fetch: 2023-12-31 06:50:17) 722.07 MB 2023-12-30 11:37:07 2023-12-17 16:05:02
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 121 Yes (fetch: 2023-12-08 04:57:38) 722.07 MB 2023-12-06 13:51:59 2023-12-15 22:05:02
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 120 Yes (fetch: 2023-09-29 15:16:53) 722.07 MB 2023-09-28 20:24:42 2023-11-21 20:05:01
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 119 Yes (fetch: 2023-07-03 17:24:09) 722.07 MB 2023-07-02 20:23:55 2023-09-14 07:05:01
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 114 Yes (fetch: 2023-01-06 16:24:04) 722.07 MB 2023-01-06 16:12:12 2023-02-07 19:05:01
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 113 Yes (fetch: 2022-12-19 14:38:26) 722.07 MB 2022-12-19 14:13:16 2023-01-06 20:05:02
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 112 Yes (fetch: 2022-10-08 06:10:26) 722.05 MB 2022-10-08 05:14:04 2022-12-19 18:05:01
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 110 Yes (fetch: 2022-06-28 02:14:46) 722.05 MB 2022-06-28 02:11:40 2022-09-20 22:05:02
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 109 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-21 16:16:32) 722.05 MB 2022-05-21 16:13:16 2022-06-28 07:05:03
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 106 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-13 11:26:06) 722.05 MB 2022-05-13 11:11:44 2022-05-21 21:05:02
Ancient Cache of Technologies : Secrets Beyond The Gates 105 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-13 04:30:25) 722.08 MB 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2022-05-13 16:05:02

Mod File inventory

Path Extension File Count File Size