Updated to 3.4.*
External compatibility patch for Merger of Rules and Stellaris Evolved

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▶️ Description ◀️
External compatibility patch for Merger of Rules and Stellaris Evolved

⚠️ Load Order ⚠️
Should not matter as file names sort load order prioritites, but still:
  • Other mods
  • Stellaris Evolved
  • ! Merger of Rules 3.4
  • ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved
  • [/olist]

    ⚠️ List of Overwrites ⚠️
    Game Rules:

    • can_generate_leader_from_pop
    • can_generate_leader_from_species
    • species_has_happiness
    • can_species_procreate
    • can_species_be_assembled
    • can_build_branch_offices
    • can_support_branch_offices
    • can_build_branch_office_on_planet
    • is_criminal_syndicate_rule


    • diplomatic_stance
    • war_philosophy
    • orbital_bombardment
    • border_policy
    • artificial_intelligence_policy
    • robot_pop_policy


    # Vanilla

    • has_upgraded_capital
    • has_major_upgraded_capital
    • has_fully_upgraded_capital
    • is_megacorp
    • is_regular_empire
    • has_encountered_other_species
    • colonizable_planet
    • is_country_type_with_subjects
    • is_autocracy

    # Merger of Rules

    • has_ethics_classic
    • has_stellaris_evolved
    • merg_is_standard_empire
    • merg_is_default_empire
    • merg_has_cloning_building

    # Other Mods

    • ehof_default_country
    • is_zofe_compatible
    • giga_habitable_structure
    • is_memeable_space_habitat
    • mem_is_spherical_world
    • has_gene_clinic
    • kuat_is_common_country
    • is_playable_country
    • CmtTriggerIsPlayableEmpire
    • CmtTriggerIsEmpire
    • exalted_is_valid_as_vassal
    • is_open_gestalt
    • is_default_and_fallen_country
    • is_default_country_wg

    # Stellaris Evolved

    • tec_is_psionic_pop
    • tec_is_total_psionic_pop
    • tec_is_default_country
    • tec_is_ringworld
    • tec_is_default_country

    Not IRONMAN compatible
    Not SAVEGAME compatible

    Title! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved - Outdated/Awaiting Update
    Steam ID2642906898
    Steam App281990 (steamDB)
    Steam Manifest/UGC4865387188917972687
    Creator SteamID76561198394015599
    Steam Created2021-11-01T07:24:23+00:00
    Steam Updated2022-06-01T20:04:42+00:00
    Steam Updated relative767.6 days ago
    Revision #18
    Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2022-06-01 14:14:13)
    Revision file date2022-06-01 20:04:42
    Tracked Steam files2
    Tracked mod files132
    Mod size316.63 KB

    Tracked mod revisions

    Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved - Outdated/Awaiting Update 18 Yes (fetch: 2022-06-01 14:14:13) 316.63 KB 2022-06-01 14:12:55 2024-02-12 14:05:01
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved 17 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-27 09:14:07) 299.5 KB 2022-05-27 09:11:25 2022-06-01 19:05:02
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved 16 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-20 07:33:35) 292.21 KB 2022-05-20 07:13:33 2022-05-27 14:05:02
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved 14 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-18 15:15:23) 270.27 KB 2022-05-18 15:12:43 2022-05-20 12:05:02
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved 13 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-10 09:13:11) 287.19 KB 2022-05-10 09:12:01 2022-05-18 20:05:02
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved 12 Yes (fetch: 2022-05-10 07:16:39) 278.78 KB 2022-05-10 07:15:15 2022-05-10 14:05:02
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved 11 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-23 04:13:10) 258.92 KB 2022-04-23 01:50:16 2022-05-10 12:05:03
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved 11 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-23 02:46:19) 269.67 KB 2022-04-23 01:50:16 2022-05-10 12:05:03
    ! Merger of Rules - Stellaris Evolved 9 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-17 20:36:37) 258.92 KB 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2022-04-22 20:05:02

    Mod File inventory

    Path Extension File Count File Size
    common/game_rules txt 1 36.48 KB
    common/scripted_effect txt 1 6.16 KB
    common/scripted_triggers txt 6 87.25 KB
    events txt 1 322 B
    .git 5 2.05 KB
    .git/hooks sample 13 22.89 KB
    .git/info 1 240 B
    .git/logs 1 1.62 KB
    .git/logs/refs/heads 1 1.62 KB
    .git/logs/refs/remotes/origin 1 1.03 KB
    .git/objects/05 1 187 B
    .git/objects/07 1 8.44 KB
    .git/objects/0c 2 6.95 KB
    .git/objects/10 2 188 B
    .git/objects/11 1 159 B
    .git/objects/18 1 186 B
    .git/objects/1b 1 669 B
    .git/objects/1d 1 233 B
    .git/objects/1e 1 76 B
    .git/objects/20 1 134 B
    .git/objects/21 4 6.77 KB
    .git/objects/26 1 187 B
    .git/objects/31 2 2.07 KB
    .git/objects/32 1 3.75 KB
    .git/objects/37 1 167 B
    .git/objects/3a 1 134 B
    .git/objects/3b 1 155 B
    .git/objects/3c 1 587 B
    .git/objects/3e 1 6.87 KB
    .git/objects/3f 1 2.25 KB
    .git/objects/41 1 7.76 KB
    .git/objects/42 1 1.36 KB
    .git/objects/43 1 76 B
    .git/objects/44 1 196 B
    .git/objects/45 1 177 B
    .git/objects/48 2 808 B
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    .git/objects/71 1 187 B
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