This is a lightning-released bugfix for post-patch bugs. I recommend placing it at the top of your mod list so other mods can over-ride it as necessary.

I will keep it updated with any bugfixes that I find and am able to fix, and are clearly bugs.

My goal with this mod is to be one of the first responders to simple bugs introduced in a new patch. It is NOT a long-term bug hunting effort, and I'm not very good at modding so I can't fix every bug.

-Bugs that my mod fixes:

* Cave Cleaner special job and similar event jobs should no longer repeatively fire their current pop and hire a miner pop, only to repeat the process until every worker pop on the planet is an unemployed specialist. Sorry folks, the gold rush was a false alarm.
* Totalitarian Faction should no longer be upset about pre-sapients "not being in stratified or academic privilege living standards" if you have no species fully enslaved, being purged, or non-full citizen robots. I ALSO discovered that they will be upset with any species you have set to "assimilation" under the same situation. Now your aristocrats will be perfectly happy with you forcing brainwash-I mean psionic powers on all the newcomers, and hopefully won't care that random cockroaches aren't in a hierarchy.

-Bugs fixes I am currently testing and may be close to release:


-Bugs I am aware of and am actively trying to solve:


-Bugs I am trying to locate/verify in the code:


-Bugs being checked for intentional design:


Find a bug? Want it added to the bugfix? Just leave a comment and I'll add it if I can fix it before Paradox!

If any bug fixed in this mod become added to the game, I'll update the mod and remove the fix to minimize mod conflicts. I'll continually update this as more bugs are discovered and fixed by myself and anyone else in the community!
Title(3.3.2) Community Flash Patch
Steam ID2026808491
Steam App281990 (steamDB)
Steam Manifest/UGC2211108821243483321
Creator SteamID76561198042096578
Steam Created2020-03-18T23:14:28+00:00
Steam Updated2022-02-27T18:08:44+00:00
Steam Updated relative861.7 days ago
Revision #29
Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2023-09-30 16:53:54)
Revision file date2022-02-27 18:08:43
Tracked Steam files6
Tracked mod files8
Mod size0 B

Tracked mod revisions

Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
(3.3.2) Community Flash Patch 29 Yes (fetch: 2023-09-30 16:53:54) 0 B 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2024-02-12 15:05:01
(3.3.2) Community Flash Patch 29 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-17 02:51:53) 163.12 KB 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2024-02-12 15:05:01

Mod File inventory

Path Extension File Count File Size
common/pop_faction_types txt 1 9.59 KB
common/pop_jobs txt 2 59.47 KB
events txt 1 74.6 KB