
Compatible with 2.8

This is an almost fully functional version of ISBS: Doomsday Weapons & Ships updated to 2.7. See Known Issues below for a list of what I know isn't working properly right now.

Important Note: I did not make this mod, this mod was made by Ankain, I simply updated it to 2.7

See original description for more info

2.3 Version
2.4/2.5 Version
2.6+ Versions

Known Issues

Avatar & Erebus Cores missing stance text (this is present in 2.1 as well)

A Static modifier to reduce maintenance costs for the AI is currently broken. Not important, not gonna fix.

Doomsday abduction stuff isn't currently working.

Sun Crusher doesn't work.

Something causes the Ragnarok to not work sometimes, reinstalling this mod should fix that.

My Other Mods & My Discord Server
TitleISBS: Doomsday Weapons & Ships 2.8
Steam ID1701529356
Steam App281990 (steamDB)
Steam Manifest/UGC7986866124483882357
Creator SteamID76561198035189763
Steam Created2019-04-02T17:38:36+00:00
Steam Updated2020-12-22T08:52:56+00:00
Steam Updated relative1294.1 days ago
Revision #8
Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2022-04-13 08:36:44)
Revision file date2020-12-22 08:52:55
Tracked Steam files2
Tracked mod files400
Mod size140.48 MB

Tracked mod revisions

Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
ISBS: Doomsday Weapons & Ships 2.8 8 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-13 08:36:44) 140.48 MB 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2024-02-12 15:05:01

Mod File inventory

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