Updated to v2.1.* of Stellaris

Script Based AI Enhancement and Autobuild

This mod includes the first true script-based enhancement solution for Stellaris. The mod contains a highly sophisticated AI enhancement engine that comes on top the vanilla AI weight system. As a result, the AI in this mod is significantly better at construction buildings and developing planets, as well as Starbases. The mod also includes a unique autobuild engine - which the player can configure on a per planet basis.

IMPORTANT: Please read the pinned discussion for more details on this and compatibility.

Recommended Mods

We highly recommend running this mod alongside:

  • CGM: Planets Enhanced - adds a huge amount of optional content and advanced galaxy configuration.
  • EUTAB: Adding great ethic unique buildings and technologies from Dumuzii - who also did a lot of the great sprites of this mod. OR the EUTAB: Vanilla Replacement mod - which makes vanilla look as great as this mod.

Mod Content

1. Integral autobuild functions - using a unique engine for this mod!
2. A deep overhaul of the vanilla building content, but this is a completely optional feature: You can turn this on/off using a mod menu. That is, you can choose to play with the vanilla buildings and vanilla building stats, or to play with overhauled building stats.
3. A complete rework of the vanilla resource buildings. Again, this is an optional feature – you can choose to play with the vanilla buildings, or to play with the reworked resource buildings. All in all, the mod adds 25 new buildings to the game, with 25 new unique icons. You can see the images above.
4. Direct build of high tier buildings (you can directly build mining network 3 for example instead of upgrading from 1). But again, this is an optional feature – you can turn it off at your discretion.
5. A menu that allows you to configure building costs and building speed. Again – an optional feature, you don’t have to use it, but if you do want some or all buildings to cost more, you can do this, or of course do the opposite.

For a changelog, please refer to this document.

List of Supported Mods

This mod also has full and integral synergy with other major mods. This synergy is achieved using API effect files stored in those mods. As a result, the AI is able to recognize mod content introduced by those mods. Furthermore [/u]this mod extends autobuild functions to many other mods[/u]. For example, with this mod active the AI fully recognizes the impact of Guilli’s planet modifiers when developing planets and autobuild uses Alphamod's special buildings. Please refer to the List of Supported Mods - which is regularly updated.

Notes on Compatibility

  • Fully compatible with Origin Civics.
  • Fully compatible with Glavius' AI Megamod and Annex's Enhanced AI


This mod has full localisations for the following languages

  • English
  • French - many thanks to Aven
  • Portuguese - many thanks to Lex
  • German - many thanks to the Kru
  • Russian - many thanks to Violent Beetle and «(PeGaS)»
  • Chinese - many thanks to Breloom1994

All other european languages have the English localisations available for them.

Important Notes

(a) If you are using Mac OS X - for some reason when u start a new game with this mod and CGM: Buildings there is a CTD after day 1. Until I resolve this issue - start the game only with this mod. Then load CGM: Buildings after 1 month time. This should cause no issues at all - and your building will be converted depending on the setting you choose.
(b) It is 100% savegame compatible – you can load it into an existing save without issue.
(c) The mod’s menu will open only for the game’s host when playing MP, if you are playing SP then there is of course no issue. You can fire it at any time using a country edict, or you can install Had’s excellent Mod Menu.

Please report any bugs or issues – either in the comments below or on our discord server.

GL and HF!

Title!Core Game Mechanics: Buildings
Steam ID1365485813
Steam App281990 (steamDB)
Steam Manifest/UGC3771642479654890551
Creator SteamID76561198060995354
Steam Created2018-04-19T23:36:58+00:00
Steam Updated2018-07-24T09:48:41+00:00
Steam Updated relative2176.1 days ago
Revision #0
Revision archived?Yes (fetch: 2022-04-17 20:11:16)
Revision file date2018-07-24 09:48:39
Tracked Steam files13
Tracked mod files236
Mod size6.76 MB

Tracked mod revisions

Title Revision # Archived? Size Metadata created Metadata last updated
!Core Game Mechanics: Buildings 0 Yes (fetch: 2022-04-17 20:11:16) 6.76 MB 2022-04-10 02:57:03 2024-02-12 15:05:01

Mod File inventory

Path Extension File Count File Size
common/buildings txt 21 734.63 KB
common/building_tags txt 1 214 B
common/deposits txt 3 4.62 KB
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common/on_actions txt 2 2.83 KB
common/scripted_effects txt 15 333.1 KB
common/scripted_loc txt 1 1.34 KB
common/scripted_triggers txt 9 79.74 KB
common/scripted_variables txt 1 6.23 KB
common/starbase_buildings txt 3 11.39 KB
common/starbase_levels txt 1 2.65 KB
common/starbase_modules txt 3 5.9 KB
common/static_modifiers txt 2 31.15 KB
common/strategic_resources txt 2 1.44 KB
common/technology txt 1 37.19 KB
events txt 11 358.87 KB
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gfx/interface/icons dds 2 7.5 KB
gfx/interface/icons/planet_modifiers dds 6 85.13 KB
gfx/interface/icons/resources dds 16 21.62 KB
gfx/interface/icons/technologies dds 34 363.38 KB
gfx/portraits/asset_selectors txt 1 220 B
gfx/portraits/city_sets dds 2 1.52 MB
interface gfx 2 2 KB
interface gui 2 16.79 KB
localisation/braz_por yml 4 142.82 KB
localisation/english yml 4 136.16 KB
localisation/french yml 4 139.82 KB
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localisation/polish yml 4 136.65 KB
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